Want Instant Hot Water In Your Home? Yes, please!
Learn about the value of a recirculating pump.
Does your morning routine consist of a hot shower to help you fully wake up? For most people, this is something they look forward to and is a great way to start the day. Unfortunately, this also means turning the shower on early enough to give it time to “warm up”. If your shower takes a long time for hot water to flow from the shower head, you could benefit from installing a hot water recirculating system in your home. In this article, we will explain what a recirculating system is and how it can help reduce wait time and wasted resources.
Why does it take so long to warm up?
There are a few reasons that hot water takes so long to make its way to a home’s faucet. This could be due to the age of the water heater, the size of the pipes, the demand on the hot water being used at the time, or uninsulated pipes. For today’s purpose, we are going to focus on the main reason this occurs, the distance from the water heater to the home’s faucets. If your water heater is in a section of the home that is a good distance away from the bathroom or kitchen faucets, the hot water has a longer distance to travel through the pipes.
The water that “sits” in the pipes when water is not being used cools to room temperature. When the hot water is turned on at the faucet, all of the room temperature water travels one-way through the pipes and reaches the faucets first. This causes a delay in getting hot water, hence the reason it takes so long to “warm up”.

Why is this a problem?
In addition to the inconvenience of not having instantaneous hot water, the EPA estimates that the average family wastes up to 12,000 gallons of water per year. And of those 12,000 gallons, a large percentage of that comes from waiting for hot water to arrive at their faucets. For larger households, this can add up to thousands of wasted gallons, time, and dollars, per year.
How does a recirculating system work?
Hot water recirculating options have come a long way. In years past, homeowners that wanted the option of having instantaneous hot water were required to install a dedicated return water line. In homes that did not have a dedicated return line, it was an invasive and costly process to install one. A dedicated return line ran from the faucet or fixture directly back to the hot water heater.
With the use of a pump, it continuously recirculated water to ensure hot water was immediately available when the faucets were turned on. This was especially necessary in larger homes that have a large amount of piping in the home and a greater distance for water to travel from the hot water heater.
Today, dedicated lines are no longer necessary. Newer technology offers homeowners the option of installing a recirculating pump without the use of a dedicated line. The Grundfos Comfort System is the preferred choice that is recommended and used by Blue Chip Plumbing. The recirculating pump is installed at the water heater and works by circulating water throughout the home’s existing piping system. The flow is regulated by the pump and varies based on the time, usage, or temperature of the water. This process keeps hot water circulating only during desired times of the day. The pump detects when the temperature of the water in the lines decreases and then triggers the pump to circulate.
Prior to the current technology, hot water recirculating systems were not feasible for everyone. However, this new technology makes it much more affordable. The Grundfos Comfort System can easily be installed in almost any home and is more cost effective than ever. To learn more about the Grundfos Comfort System and how it works, click here to watch an explainer video.
If you are experiencing long delays in getting hot water to your faucets, Blue Chip Plumbing can help. Contact one of our plumbing specialists here or give us a call today at (513) 999-6820and get a free quote on installing a Hot Water Recirculating System in your home

FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why does it take so long for hot water to reach my faucet?
Hot water takes longer to reach faucets primarily because of the distance between the water heater and the faucet. As water sits in the pipes when not in use, it cools to room temperature. When you turn on the faucet, the room-temperature water flows through first, causing a delay. Other factors, like the age of your water heater, pipe insulation, and current hot water demand, can also contribute.
Q. Why is waiting for hot water a problem?
Waiting for hot water wastes time and resources. The EPA estimates that the average family wastes up to 12,000 gallons of water per year, much of it from waiting for hot water to arrive. This not only impacts your water bill but also contributes to unnecessary resource consumption, especially in larger households.
Q. What is a hot water recirculating system, and how can it help?
A hot water recirculating system reduces wait times by keeping hot water circulating through the pipes, ensuring it’s almost instantaneous when you turn on the faucet or shower. This is especially beneficial for larger homes where hot water must travel long distances, saving time, water, and money.
Q. How does a recirculating system work without a dedicated return line?
Modern systems like the Grundfos Comfort System don’t require a dedicated return line. A pump is installed at the water heater and circulates water through your existing pipes, regulating flow based on time, usage, or water temperature. This efficient technology ensures hot water is available only when needed, reducing costs and energy use.
Q. Is a hot water recirculating system affordable for most homeowners?
Yes, newer technology has made hot water recirculating systems more accessible and affordable. The Grundfos Comfort System, recommended by Blue Chip Plumbing, is cost-effective and easy to install in most homes, offering an efficient and convenient solution to long wait times for hot water.