Forever Chemicals In Your Water Can Cause Forever Health Issues
- January 7, 2025

A water filtration system can help keep your water free and clear of toxins.
In the Midwest, winter can feel like one dreary, rainy cold day after another. If you live in this region of the country, a few basic staples for braving the dreary weather include beanies, rain boots, waterproof jackets, and a good pair of gloves. Unfortunately, many residents are unknowingly being exposed to dangerous chemicals from these water and winter-proof coverings, as well as other materials with “resistant” or “repellent” qualities. A recent topic that is getting a lot of media attention lately is a toxic chemical called Forever Chemicals. In this article, we will explain what these chemicals are, how they are getting into our water supply, and what you can do to ensure your safety and prevent or reduce exposure.
What are Forever Chemicals?
“Forever Chemicals” is the term used to describe a group of chemicals known as PFAS which are man-made (synthetic) chemicals that are widely used in materials that are resistant to grease, heat, and water. This group of chemicals, which includes over 9,000 chemical types, have been used in a variety of clothing, cookware, and food packaging materials since the 1940s. They are called Forever Chemicals because they are persistent, and their synthetic makeup means they do not break down naturally in the environment. Their inability to break down and disintegrate leads to water and soil contamination – which ultimately leads to human exposure and consumption in high-risk areas.
Within the PFAS group of chemicals is PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid) and PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate), the most well-known and studied in the PFAS group. Many U.S. manufacturers have banned the use of these toxic chemicals from their products, however, they continue to be a threat due to their inability to naturally break down in the environment and widespread use in their early days. In simple terms, the damage to the environment has already been done.
What does this mean for our water supply and health?
Forever Chemicals can seep into the soil and water supply through a variety of ways, including:
- Manufacturing facilities using PFAS chemicals in their products.
- Landfill areas with contaminated soil.
- Runoff from areas treated with foam that is used to suppress fires.
Due to exposure through contaminated soil and water supplies, people are ingesting toxic chemicals through drinking water and certain foods. As a result, these chemicals have been known to cause serious health issues. Recent scientific studies are finding that certain levels of exposure to PFAS can lead to the following health conditions:
- Increased levels of cholesterol.
- Birth defects or developmental delays in children.
- Reproductive issues or infertility.
- High blood pressure in pregnant women.
- Increased cancer risk.
- Thyroid hormone imbalance.
- Interference with the body’s natural hormones.
- Increased risk of obesity.
- Weakened immune system and reduced vaccine response.
- Liver damage, ulcerative colitis, memory, or behavior problems.
Since these chemicals cannot be broken down, their persistence in the environment can accumulate in the human body’s tissues over time. As you can see, they can cause serious health issues that lead to devastating effects.
What can you do to prevent or reduce exposure?
While you can prevent some exposure to PFAS through research and refusing to purchase products that contain these chemicals, you can also reduce your exposure through the installation of a water filtration system. According to recent studies, it is estimated that 45% of the nation’s tap water contains some type of PFAS. Therefore, drinking water straight from the kitchen sink can be dangerous and increases your risk for exposure.
Granular activated carbon (GAC) filters have been shown to effectively remove PFAS from drinking water. These types of filters are available as whole house filters or point of use filters. The filtration system that we recommend and has proven to be most effective at removing these toxic chemicals from your home’s water, is Reverse Osmosis. Forever chemicals “dissolve” in water, which means their particles are so tiny that typical filters will not eliminate them. This is where reverse osmosis excels. This type of filtration system works by forcing water at a high pressure through a semipermeable membrane, which removes contaminants and purifies the water. Larger particles such as sediment, sand, rust, and debris are also removed, but this step in the process occurs during the pre-filtration phase. Reverse osmosis is the stage in the filtration process where forever chemicals are targeted and filtered out of the home’s water supply. These filters are only available as point of use filters.
While the EPA and other worldwide organizations are making strides towards developing guidelines and limits for PFAS in drinking water, you can take measures into your own hands and mitigate risk associated with these persistent chemicals through awareness and protecting yourself by installing a water filtration system.
If you would like to get more information on testing the water in your home and learn more about installing a filtration system, contact one of our plumbing specialists here or give us a call today at (513) 999-6820 to get a free quote.